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A Banner Of Three Colors

Colombia's National Flag: A Symbol of History and Unity

A Banner of Three Colors

The national flag of Colombia, adopted in 1861, is a horizontal tricolor featuring three distinct colors: yellow, blue, and red. The yellow stripe at the top represents the country's vast mineral resources, the blue in the middle symbolizes the two oceans that border Colombia, and the red at the bottom stands for the blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

The Coat of Arms: A Symbol of Sovereignty

Centered on the white circle in the center of the flag is Colombia's coat of arms. This emblem depicts a condor, Colombia's national bird, perched on a shield surrounded by a wreath of laurel. The condor symbolizes strength and freedom, while the wreath represents peace and victory. The shield bears symbols of Colombia's natural abundance, including a ship representing the country's ports, a cornucopia representing its agricultural wealth, and an isthmus symbolizing its geographical position between two oceans.

A Symbol of National Identity

The Colombian flag is an enduring symbol of national pride and unity. It flies over government buildings, schools, and private homes across the country. It is displayed at international sporting events and diplomatic functions, representing the nation on the world stage. Throughout history, it has witnessed countless moments of triumph and adversity, serving as a beacon of hope and resilience for the Colombian people.


Colombia's national flag is more than just a piece of fabric; it is a symbol of the country's rich history, diverse geography, and unwavering spirit. Its three colors and the coat of arms at its center evoke pride, unity, and a profound sense of national identity. As it continues to fly over Colombia, the flag serves as a reminder of the country's past struggles and its aspirations for a brighter future.
